Monday Motivation

I will most likely finish reading Atomic Habits by James Clear today. This book has been life-changing for me. I really love the quote below. It spoke volumes to me. I have been decluttering my entire home room-by-room and drawer-by-drawer. I am incorporating some pieces from my late parents into my home, too. It was easy to get discouraged from time-to-time and say to myself, I’ll be happy when I get this done. However, the biggest takeaway for me with this book, is that I can be happy during the process. A lightbulb went off for me. Instead of thinking, I’ll be happy only when this happens or that happens, I can be happy while I’m working toward the ultimate goal. I can find success in the progress I make each day. Now I can hardly wait to work on my house every day. Such a tiny shift in thinking made all the difference!

Note: I found this James Clear quote on Pinterest. It is from Check them out!
