Know My Name by Chanel Miller is such an important read. It is the best and most meaningful book I have read thus far this year. If you have not followed Chanel’s story, she was the woman who was sexually assaulted by the Stanford swimming star, Brock Turner. As Emily Doe, Chanel wrote and read a powerful impact statement at the end of the trial. The impact statement, after being published by BuzzFeed, immediately went viral with millions of people reading it within a matter of days. Chanel went public with her story in September of 2019 and also appeared on 60 Minutes.
Chanel’s strength and resilience during this part of her life is nothing short of amazing. Her story, at times, is difficult to read because of the injustice Chanel received in the court system. The memoir is the story of how Chanel reclaimed her life. It took great courage for her to write this memoir. She is truly a voice for our times.
This quote written by Chanel is now in the park on the Stanford campus where her attack occurred:
“You took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time, my safety, my intimacy, my confidence, my own voice, until today.”
I highly recommend this compelling book. I listened to it in audiobook format. Chanel read the book, which made it even more powerful.
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