My Dark Vanessa was one of the March selections for my online book club, Spivey’s Club. This book explores the relationship between 15-year-old Vanessa Wye and her teacher, Jacob Strane. This book is fiction, and the genre is psychological fiction. Vanessa goes to boarding school and enters a long-term affair with her 42-year-old English teacher. I say the word “affair” lightly, because one of the main things about this book is that Vanessa sees her relationship with Strane as a love story, where we, as the reader, see Strane for who he is, a master manipulator. This book is difficult to read, as the characters and the subject matter is complex. The book starts with Vanessa in her 30’s and goes back and forth between present day and the past. Author Kate Elizabeth Russell began the book when she was 15-years-old, and this is her debut novel.
This is not a book I would recommend on a whim to read. Do your research about the subject matter and see if it is something you would really want to read. The writing is masterful, the characters are well-developed, but the subject matter can be disturbing.
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