Monday Motivation!

I was thinking this morning about what everyone might need some motivation with this week.  Cooking was the first thing that came to my mind.  No matter if you are working from home, a first responder, a mom helping her children with distance learning, or me, a retiree on my own quarantined with my sweet dog, we all have to eat three times a day.  Someone is making the meal, whether it is the cook at the restaurant, the person putting together food for the less fortunate, or the mom or dad looking in the pantry wondering what can put together for dinner tonight.  Whatever the situation, if we think about the meal we are making as a labor of love, it might help our perspective.  Teaching young ones to cook or bake right now can make those special memories.  I will be sharing a new recipe this week, so that will be my labor of love to all of you.  
