If you find yourself overthinking when making decisions or second-guessing yourself afterwards, Don’t Overthink It is the book for you. You may be familiar with author, Anne Bogel, from her blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy. The blog is all about reading, book recommendations, and it includes links to her awesome podcast What Should I Read Next?
Don’t Overthink It contains strategies to help you stop old patterns of what-ifs, indecision, and other negative thought patterns. Instead, Anne gives you positive strategies that can make a difference with small and large decisions. The whole idea is to get you to make a decision, be done with it, and move on to something else. This way you are not spending mental energy going down the spiral of overthinking. You can then spend that mental energy on more joyful things.
I’m linking the book trailer for Don’t Overthink It here. In the trailer, Anne Bogel talks about the purpose of the book and how it can help with overthinking.
On her Epigraph page, Anne shared three quotes about thoughts. I’m sharing my favorite one:
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
Maya Angelou
Hopefully, we can do that without overthinking. I listened to the audiobook first, which Anne beautifully reads, and then bought my own Kindle version for future reference. Even if you don’t consider yourself an overthinker, I think most people will resonate with at least one of the ways overthinking impacts life. I highly recommend Don’t Overthink It by Anne Bogel.
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