Book Review—Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson

Peter Swanson is one of my favorite thriller, suspense, and psychological fiction authors. Before She Knew Him is the third book of his I have read. I have previously read The Kind Worth Killing and Her Every Fear. If you are in a reading slump, want to read more, or like thrillers, The Kind Worth Killing is a book I highly recommend as a starting point.

Before She Knew Him is about a couple, Hen and Lloyd who have just bought a home outside of Boston. Hen has struggled with mental health, but is doing so much better since the move. She is planning to start painting again in a studio she has rented. Everything is going fine until they meet the couple next door, Mira and Matthew. Hen spies a statue in Matthew’s office that turns her life upside-down. Thus begins this thriller with all of its twists and turns.

That is all I’m going to say about Before She Knew Him. I will not spoil a thriller. It is a quick read at 309 pages. You won’t be able to put it down once you start.

Happy Reading!


