Bonne Maman Advent Calendar—Day 16

I hope you are enjoying the Bonne Maman Advent Calendar posts. It is fun to check what the jam of the day is and then set up a photo each morning. Today’s jam of the day is:


It is delicious. I paired it with an English muffin and coffee. Now, I need to stress that I am not having wine for breakfast, but my sister found this wine, Jam Jar, yesterday and bought it as a surprise for me. The red and white top of the wine is similar to the tops of the jam jars! It is amazing how many things you see with “jam” on it when it becomes your focus! Jam Jar is a South African Sweet Shiraz wine that should be served slightly chilled. It has berry flavors and hints of dark chocolate. It is a versatile wine that pairs with cheeseburgers to chocolate pudding.

By the way it is Misterstevenuk, my English jam friend’s, birthday today! So Happy Birthday, Steven! If you were state side, I’d open the Jam Jar wine to celebrate the occasion!! Just not at breakfast! 

