Monday Motivation!


This is the time of year that I set up my new planner and start setting goals for the year. I have taken some quiet time last week to think things through and plan what I would like to accomplish. It is motivating to me to have that blank page to fill.

As I set my weekly goals, I have found that overplanning doesn’t work well for me. I try to set realistic goals. That way I can accomplish more and only have a few carryover tasks that go into the next week.

I’m also trying to have a better morning routine, which includes completing this blog. The morning routine is repeated every morning which includes walking and feeding Milo, watering plants, bushing Milo, stick-vacuuming the house, etc.

I break down other chores, such as laundry, etc. on specific days. It keeps each day from becoming overwhelming with chores.

Then I list the things I want to accomplish by the following Sunday. For instance, this week I want to finish setting up my library. So, I will work on that a little bit each day and listen to a book while I work.

I find visualizing goals so helpful. I love to check things off that I accomplish. The more I accomplish, the more confidence I have in myself to keep working toward completing my goals.

Have you planned goals for the year? Do you write them down? 

Enjoy your week!
