April Showers! ☔️

It looks like Orlando will be having April showers for two entire days! It’s really fine, though. We need the rain, and the grass will be a beautiful shade of green when it is all over. Hopefully, it will bring May flowers, too! 

So today I will spend straightening up my home, catching up on some tv episodes and of course, reading! I’m loving the book, The Star-Crossed Sisters of Tuscany by Lori Nelson Spielman. It is definitely making me want to travel to Italy. I love the characters and the double timeline.

I also am enjoying the audiobook version of Sunflower Sisters by Martha Hall Kelly. It is the third book in the Lilac Girls series. It is historical fiction and so well-researched. I just realized that I am reading two books about sisters!

Speaking of sisters, here is my sister’s April showers door decoration. I love it! So appropriate for this rainy day!

What do you do on rainy days?
