The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano is an interesting novel. The author, Donna Freitas, explores many difficult topics that women face when it comes to having a family. Rose and Luke got married with the understanding that they would not have children. However, Luke changed his mind, and Rose has difficulty with that decision. Luke and Rose begin to have an argument about prenatal vitamins. This is when the book splits and Rose imagines the many directions her life could go in at that moment, thus, The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano.
I listened to the audiobook, but I would recommend reading the novel in print or Kindle form. That way you can look back easily to the earlier lives. It took me a bit to realize just where a new life ended and where a new life started in the audio version. It wasn’t a huge deal, because at some point I figured out how the author was organizing the book. It was very clever and well done.
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