Erica Katz has another hit on her hands with her newest novel, Fake. The author of The Boys’ Club, (my review is linked), steps out of the law office and into the art world. Emma Caan is an artist who paints commissioned copies of famous works of art for museums and private collectors. She is extremely talented; so talented that a wealthy art collector hires her away from her current employer. Emma has a complete lifestyle change in this new art world. It is one in which she can not only take care of herself, but can support her mother. It is in these new circumstances that Emma’s life begins to unravel.
Fake will keep you on the edge of your seat. The character of Emma is well-developed by the author. The world of high-end art is enthralling, and the reader gets a glimpse of what that world entails. And, the title is perfect!
I listened to the audiobook, and it was expertly narrated by Andi Arendt. I loved this book and can hardly wait for Erica Katz’s next novel.
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